How to get the most out of your manufacturing equipment

OEE efficiency, or Overall Equipment Effectiveness efficiency, is a metric used to measure the performance and productivity of a manufacturing or production process. It provides insights into how effectively a machine, production line, or entire facility is being used.

Measuring OEE is a manufacturing best practice. By measuring OEE and the underlying losses, important insights can be gained on how to systematically improve the manufacturing process. OEE is an effective metric for identifying losses, bench-marking progress, and improving the productivity of manufacturing equipment (i.e., eliminating waste).

It identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive. An OEE of 100% means that only good parts are produced (100% quality), at the maximum speed (100% performance), and without interruption (100% availability).

How OEE is measured

  1. Quality: The quality factor measures the rate of production of good-quality products without any defects or rework. It takes into account factors such as production of scrap, defective products, rework, and quality-related issues.
  2. Performance: Performance refers to the actual speed or rate at which the equipment is running compared to its maximum designed or optimal speed. It considers factors such as equipment speed losses, minor stoppages, reduced cycle times, and other factors that affect the equipment's performance.
  3. Availability: This factor measures the portion of scheduled production time during which the equipment is available and operational. It takes into account factors such as equipment failures, breakdowns, changeovers, setup time, and scheduled maintenance.

To calculate OEE efficiency, these three factors (availability, performance, and quality) are multiplied together: OEE = Availability × Performance × QualityBy tracking OEE, manufacturers can identify areas where they can improve their manufacturing processes. For example, if a machine has a low OEE due to unplanned downtime, the manufacturer can investigate the causes of the downtime and implement corrective actions. Similarly, if a machine has a low OEE due to poor quality, the manufacturer can investigate the causes of the poor quality and implement corrective actions.

Routeco have a range of products designed to improve your OEE, including Wittenstein’s condition monitoring technology. Our team of experts can also help identify way to measure and then improve your OEE. Use the contact form below to get in touch.


Posted: 04/07/2023 08:46:57 by Leah McLaurin | with 0 comments